'Space Marines and Coffee Machines' Warhammer Nights Sep/Oct/Nov 2022
"So we've now run three of our "Space Marines and Coffee Machines" nights and we're pleased to say that their popularity is really growing. Running fro 5:30pm to 7:30pm once a month on a Monday evening at our West Cowes Coffee House, we set the place up for both model painting classes and game sessions.
The model painting has been fascinating, with some real experts teaching the rest of us some great skills using the latest Warhammer paints. Check out the pictures below for some of the results.
And there have been some great challenges in some very heated games, backed by lots of whooping and cheering. And again some of the beginners have been learning some great skills and new strategies from more experienced players.
Overall the nights are great. If you're into Warhammer, or fancy coming along to see what all the fuss is about, then please do turn up for the next one. Tickets not required (see next event) but the coffee bar is open for all the usual Comicoffee snacks and refreshments"